Sea-level territories will succumb to Climate Chaos – be prepared for refugees!

President Obama has been touring Alaska, seeing first-hand the degradation of glaciers, and the plight of sea-level communities like Kivalina, Alaska.

obama-selfie-stick    glacism

Now we have the US Army Corps of Engineers, who prove the threat:

Devastating effects of Climate Change

“Forget new homes – even the digging of fresh graves has become a pointless exercise, meaning the bodies of the recently departed must now be airlifted back to the mainland which, unlike Kivalina, isn’t expected to be underwater in 10 years.

That grim prediction comes courtesy of the US Army Corps of Engineers, and with it has come even greater hardship for the town’s 400-odd residents, who are about to finally succumb to the environment they have parried with for thousands of years, as is their birthright as Inupiat Eskimos.”

One would hope that their predictions will be more precise than those about the levees in New Orleans from 10 years ago.

Once we reach the global tipping point (which may be far less than the reluctantly agreed 2 degrees Celsius at Copenhagen), we will be unleashing devastation on a scale never seen before.

Wild seas in the Mediterranean have caused incalculable loss of life:

drowned on beach    refugee_child_drowned_460

When the sea-levels rise as predicted by 97% of the world’s climate scientists, we will have tragic scenes like this all through the Maldives, Vanuatu, Fiji, Kivalina, Holland, Bangladesh, St Tropez, and everywhere on Earth that sits at around sea-level.

We need to stop carbon pollution, immediately – even if we do, it will take a thousand years to get the carbon pollution out of the atmosphere, and we still may not survive.  The time to act is right now!

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